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Preview of some upcoming events

Deb Bunt

Following the SAICP – Suffolk Association of Independent Care Providers conference last week, Peter and I have been asked to run some dementia awareness training for professionals. This will be a three-hour slot in December so there is plenty of time to panic - I mean prepare. For any professionals/organisations out there who might be interested, please contact Sarah-Jayne on Included in the cost of a ticket is a copy of one of our books which we will even sign for you!

In the more immediate future, look out on Facebook for the Dementia Carers Count 'lunch and listen' slot. Peter and I will be talking live on air on 27th October - timing to be confirmed but it's a safe bet (given it's a 'lunch and listen' session) that it will be around lunchtime.

Although we have no date as yet, we will soon be talking in a 'knowledge cafe' session, an initiative hosted by Orwell Housing ( In these sessions, Orwell invite people to share their lived experiences. I'm delighted to say that this contact came about following one of our BBC Radio Suffolk talks a couple of months ago.

On 2nd November, we will be delivering a talk at Sudbury Library from 7pm and on November 19th we are delighted to be doing a booking signing - this time at, another independent bookshop.

And don't forget, you can catch up with Peter on the 26th of this month at 2.20 for his chat with BBC Radio Suffolk

Details of each event will be posted across social media nearer the time.

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