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3NDWG Webinar

Deb Bunt

The 3NDWG (3 Nations Dementia Working Group) is a group comprising people with lived experience of dementia. They hold monthly webinars on a range of subjects. This month's webinar was:

"Dementia Authors: Writing books by, with and for people affected by dementia"

Its aim was to:

" recognise the significant contributions of individuals living with dementia who have successfully transitioned into becoming dementia authors. This event promises to provide deep insights into their creative process, as well as the various supporters who have helped them along the way."

This month, Keith Oliver had put together the webinar and Peter and I were invited to participate along with contributors including Dr Jennifer Bute.

The link to listen to the webinar is below:

As you probably know, Peter, has never read "Slow Puncture" and so this webinar presented him with a challenge all of its own. I think his summary (captured in the graphic above which was my clumsy attempt at a screenshot during a live event) encapsulates his view perfectly (the last word should be "mine", not "mind.")

It was really enlightening to hear both Keith and Jennifer talk about their books and to know that so much is now being invested into facilitating the voices of people living with dementia to be heard.

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