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Woodbridge Arts Market/Saxmundham Library & BBC Radio Suffolk

Deb Bunt

It was great to be part of the Woodbridge Arts Market and this presented Peter with another opportunity to saddle up on Penny and cycle down to Woodbridge, accompanied by his mini entourage (that's Teresa and me really - an entourage-ette).

Although it drizzled on and off in that quintessentially annoying way that only the English summer weather can create, there were enough people milling around to generate interest in Peter and the bike. We sold a few books, chatted to people and returned home post haste to our little corner of Suffolk.

Huge thanks to Charmian Berry for inviting us and taking some great photos, none better than the one accompanying this article.

Following on the heels of this adventure, we received an invite from Liz, the librarian at the newly revamped Saxmundham library. Would we like to be the first people to give a presentation to an audience? Listen up - an audience of real people! We eagerly agreed and are delighted to be making a little piece of Saxmundham Library history as the new library's debut speakers when we deliver our talk this Sunday, 8th August. There will be a separate write up about this.

In a great bit of joined up thinking, Liz had sent a press release to Lesley at BBC Radio Suffolk advising them of this event. Lesley and Jonnie were quickly on the case and Peter appeared on their show to provide an update of recent activities, as well as to promote the library event. You can listen to the recording on the link below.

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"It is important to remember, that a diagnosis of dementia is not just a diagnosis for the individual, but it’s a diagnosis for the whole family.”



Twitter: @PeterBe1130

Instagram: @peterberry8


Peter is pleased to be a patron of For Brian CIC -  an evolving concept, co-produced by its directors in collaboration with its beneficiaries living with dementia. The company aims to empower people living with dementia and their families to design support that meets their individual needs, providing agency in challenging circumstances. Cycling plays a huge part in their existence. 


Peter and Deb are delighted to be part of AlzAuthors through the writing of our book, "Slow Puncture". 


Our Vision : Lift the silence and stigma of Alzheimer’s and other dementias.
Our Mission : We are a community of authors sharing Alzheimer’s and dementia stories to light the way for others.


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