A huge thank you to Sara and Beth from The Weavers, Peasenhall who did us proud this morning when we popped in to meet the inimitable Mavis the Suffolk Fox (and her carer, Laura Bacon). As you can see, Peter pitted his wits against Mavis and I think the result of this particular match was an honourable draw. BBC Radio Suffolk's Georgy Jamieson's live radio interview was one of the more bizarre events I have participated in during my time in Suffolk but Peter took it in his stride, perhaps occasionally 'outfoxing' the ol' gal in the battle of the Suffolk accents.
This meeting was the overture for the symphony that is ahead in the Spring when The Weavers are hosting a fundraising morning in aid of Alzheimer's Research UK. We are in the early composition stages of this event but let's just say, there will be cake, a raffle, fun and a talk from Peter.