The Great Library Tour ended in a flourish at Gainsborough Community Library with their Top Time Group. What a lovely library this is; we really got the sense that this is a library for the community and the attendance at the group suggested that it is a well used resource.
As usual Peter's talk was well received. Having delivered talks with Peter at several different Suffolk libraries, it does seem to me that people's expectations of what Peter will talk about and the reality of what he does talk about can cause confusion at first. But, it soon became obvious to the group that Peter tackles the subject of living well with dementia in his own inimitable style, with humour and honesty, and you could sense a change in mood of the audience as a result.
Our tour to some of Suffolk's libraries has been fun and diverse and it's been a great way to share Peter's thoughts about how to live well with dementia. I am sure, come the Spring, there will be more talks arranged and, perhaps, with favourable weather, someone might opt to travel to some of these on a penny farthing.