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Deb Bunt

Credit to the Society of Later Life Adviser whose aim it is to be dementia friendly within the next year or so. This has involved staff training and increasing awareness and Peter and I have been delighted to help support them in this.

This session – possibly our sixth – was a national session to staff and, as well as those in attendance during the presentation, the session was recorded and will be used to inform staff training.

I can always tell when an event is well received by the comments that flash up on the screen and I could see the word ‘inspirational’ was used several times by delegates who had tuned in. The other good indicator is how our talk reflect on book sales. Within two hours of the session, Amazon rankings on both books had improved. "Walk with Me" hit the heady heights of number 30 in the friendship category and number 31 in inspirational poetry (that word again!). "Slow Puncture" managed to creep into the top 100 of books about living with illness/Biographies but, alas, my ability to capture screen shots wasn't quite as speedy as it should have been.

As with all of our talks now, Peter and I have changed the format to accommodate the changes in his memory but he still has the ability to blow me away with some new metaphor or thought.

Thank you, Jo, (Head of Regional Meetings, Events Co-ordinator at SOLLA) for organising this session for everyone and thank you for your kind email after our talk:

"I just wanted to thank you both again for this morning’s presentation. It was so well delivered and extremely well received so thank you. You are an inspiration Peter and we could listen to you all day. What you two are doing is so commendable so keep going!"

and also for sending me this one she received shortly after the session (I have edited it to anonymise it):

“Thank you for organising this event. It was quite touching….I felt Peter was stating so many of my experiences. Thank you and many thanks to Peter as well as Deb Bunt.”

Here's to the next session...

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"It is important to remember, that a diagnosis of dementia is not just a diagnosis for the individual, but it’s a diagnosis for the whole family.”



Twitter: @PeterBe1130

Instagram: @peterberry8

Peter is pleased to be a patron of For Brian CIC -  an evolving concept, co-produced by its directors in collaboration with its beneficiaries living with dementia. The company aims to empower people living with dementia and their families to design support that meets their individual needs, providing agency in challenging circumstances. Cycling plays a huge part in their existence. 


Peter and Deb are delighted to be part of AlzAuthors through the writing of our book, "Slow Puncture". 

Our Vision : Lift the silence and stigma of Alzheimer’s and other dementias.
Our Mission : We are a community of authors sharing Alzheimer’s and dementia stories to light the way for others.


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