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Podcast Monday, Webinar Tuesday. All Aboard The Peter Berry Social Media Train

On Tuesday, Peter joined Keith Oliver, BBC health reporter, Jim Reed, personnel from The Alzheimer's Society and a cast of others to participate in a zoom webinar on a subject which, I think, fascinates us all: how dementia is portrayed in the media. The webinar was organised by the 3NDWG (3 Nations Dementia Working Group) and I know Keith spent a great deal of time organising this event.

Peter's contribution was to discuss how Channel Four's documentary, "The Restaurant That Makes Mistakes", help to debunk many of the myths around dementia. He talked about how having a purpose, working as a team and being valued was so important to those living with dementia. If anyone had had any fears about the programme being a 'freak show' where those living with dementia made a right royal (Eton) mess of working in a restaurant, Peter's experiences and this talk laid those fears to rest.

The webinar also looked at the power of language when talking about those diagnosed and it was unanimously agreed that the words 'suffering with' should be summarily removed from the English language post haste!

Thanks to Keith Oliver and everyone else who organised, attended and spoke. Looking forward to part 2!

You can watch the webinar by clicking on the link below.

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