Peter will be joining Wendy Mitchell, Jennifer Bute, Michael Ellenbogen and Gerda Saunders along with some of the crew at AlzAuthors for their latest venture:
"This will be an inspiring event with five of our authors currently living with dementia who will share their stories, allowing us to enter a portal into the world of living with cognitive impairment.
This is a reunion of five authors who came together on June 15, 2021 to talk about their diagnoses, how they cope with their conditions, manage to keep active and vital, maintain a positive attitude, and much more. We wanted to get together two years later to see how their lives have changed since we first met."
Although, looking at the graphic, I see it's only Peter who is wearing lycra and has made a smiley face from a tub of ice-cream....
For details of how to join, please see the link: AlzAuthors Live! Everything You've Always Wanted to Know About Living with Dementia (but were afraid to ask), part 2