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One of the many wonderful consequences of having "Slow Puncture" published was its acceptance onto the shelves of AlzAuthors: Alzheimer's and Dementia Books, Blogs, Stories. This is a fantastic resource with all types of publications and podcasts on dementia and Alzheimer's and is to be thoroughly recommended to anyone looking for information on the subject.

Now, whilst recognising that this website is Peter's, I am going to be a little cheeky (and if I can't be cheeky on a website which I maintain, then I'm not sure on whose website I can be cheeky) and talk about myself. AlzAuthors has provided me with an amazing platform to continue to explore writing about dementia. I am taking the opportunity to post the first of three articles I was asked to write on the importance of having your voice heard. I hope that they will all be of interest.

Peter's is the first article - and his was easy to do as I believe I know him pretty well! The next two articles will be Dr Wendy Mitchell's story and Dr Jennifer Bute's story. These were trickier to write but I am so pleased to have been given the chance to spread my authorial wings a little wider. Wendy and Jennifer's articles will appear on the next two Thursdays in September and it has been a real privilege to listen to their stories and to be allowed to write them.

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