Well, for ninety minutes this afternoon, our local library in Saxmundham was our little piece of paradise. Today was our first live event post lockdown and post the publication of "Slow Puncture".
Liz, the librarian in Saxmundham, had arranged for us to do a presentation on the book, on living well with dementia and on whatever else took Peter's fancy (within a certain parameter of decency and relevance).
In a well attended event, Peter talked from the heart for over an hour, telling the audience his story, the family's story and the paramount importance of living well. In his inimitable Berry style, Peter generated laughs, nods, tsks and pathos but, as ever, the overwhelming emotion was positivity at the way he has grappled with his dementia monster and remains determined to do so.
A huge thanks to Liz and to all those who braved the windy weather to attend. And we are definitely looking forward to the Great Suffolk Library Tour (tee shirts and commemorative mugs are in production as we type).