We are delighted to say that Peter is now one of three patrons for a great charitable venture based in London. For Brian CIC is an evolving concept, co-produced by its directors in collaboration with its beneficiaries living with dementia. The company aims to empower people living with dementia and their families to design support that meets their individual needs, providing agency in challenging circumstances. Cycling plays a huge part in their existence.
Following a chance 'thumbs up' on one of Peter's Twitter posts, Clare (one of the directors) contacted Peter to see if he would like to become one of their patrons. The company's ethos really tallies with Peter's own life philosophy and so he was delighted to accept.
Once life returns to some semblance of normality, we really hope that Suffolk and London can merge as one (Suffdon or Londolk? - or perhaps that's not to sort of merger I meant) and that Peter can join Clare and the others involved with the charity in cycling events and/or speaking at their conference.
See For Brian CIC's website at https://www.forbrian.co/