When technology works...this afternoon Peter and Teresa linked up via zoom with staff and participants from https://www.abesgarden.org/ - an organisation based in Nashville Tennessee (yep, that's the USA). Some time ago, Peter used zoom to talk with Abe's Gardens and it was great to meet some of the participants again.
Incredibly the technology enabled almost an hour of catching up with our friends from over the pond and it was great to hear from Andy, John, Kerry and Nancy, as well as from staff, Mallorie, Lori and Khette and to hear more about life under 'lockdown' in the US of A. One of the areas of discussion was Peter's videos - how cool is it that these videos reached America and touched the lives of people over there.
Peter shared some of his coping strategies and Teresa talked about how key it was to maintain humour in their relationship and there was an brief, albeit unscheduled, cameo appearance by one of the Berry cats who meowed cheerfully before scuttling away.
We also talked about the book, "Slow Puncture", about which there was a fair bit of interest. So, for our American friends, here is the key information - oh yes, you didn't really think I wouldn't grab this opportunity to publicise the book
This is the site you can pre-order Peter's book - free overseas delivery worldwide!
Until we meet again...don't know when...