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Deb Bunt

Life can throw some peculiar things at you. One such thing is for Peter and I to be the guests at an hour long Amazon Live recording. Equally strange is how connecting through social media can generate such events.

I met Christine Smith on LinkedIn. Christine, based in the USA, describes herself as an 'aging enthusiast' and our initial online chats sufficiently piqued her interest both in our story and in AlzAuthors generally. Christine and husband Scott, a motivational listener, decided to investigate further and they were so taken with the ethos behind AlzAuthors that it led to AlzAuthors being nominated to be part of the Amazon Smile scheme (available only to users of the US Amazon site), details below:

Designate us as your charity of choice on - 05% of eligible purchases are donated to our non-profit. Sign in to & select AlzAuthors as your charity. It’s THAT easy!

So as well as AlzAuthors being the beneficiaries of this virtual contact, it was also a great piece of publicity for Peter, for me and for our new book. Whilst I wouldn't say I enjoyed the interview whilst it was on-going (and it was hard to keep a straight face when my husband decided to open and shut the back door with considerable vigour to take the rubbish outside), the warm after-glow is certainly something I will cherish. And as for Peter - as ever, he revelled in the moment but that moment has now been consigned with all his other moments in to the ever-growing pit of discarded moments. As he so eloquently said, "it's gone from my head but it will be stored in my heart."

We are both immensely grateful for Scott and Christine for the time they invested in both AlzAuthors and in us to make this interview happen, particularly after the disappointment of the first attempt some weeks ago which was aborted due to technical difficulties. You can listen and watch the interview from the link below.

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