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Southwold Library & Old Friends

This, I think, will be our last library talk (or will it...who doesn't love a mystery.) And what a fantastic place to deliver a talk, Southwold in glorious sunshine (yes, maybe I took some of the pictures last week but I never let the truth get in the way of a good story or, in this case, a good collage).

A huge thank you to librarian, Charlotte Clark, for giving us space in her library and for her sterling work in her publicity of the event.

Peter delivered his talk with his usual panache and style and I could see that the audience were fascinated.

Bearing in mind all attendees were masked up and therefore largely unrecognisable, imagine the surprise for Peter when a male voice piped up with a question. Peter paused and then said "I know that voice!" It transpired that the voice belonged to an old neighbour who had read of the event in one of Southwold's What's On papers and had come, with his wife, to see Peter. What a lovely way to reconnect.

I do want to extend a huge thanks to for the way they have allowed us to deliver these talks. The libraries are great resources and I certainly have a different perspective of them now. Use them or lose them, as they say.

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