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Newyddion cyffrous

Deb Bunt

We are delighted to reveal the next development around "Slow Puncture". As part of The Reading Agency's newly launched Reading Well for Dementia book list, Slow Puncture was put out to tender to publishers to be translated into Welsh and therefore accessible to even more people.

Y Lolfa, Wales' foremost publishing press, were happy to take on this venture and have just completed the translation of the book. We don't have a publication date yet but...we have signed the publishing contract!

Here's the front cover in all its Welsh glory

"pa mor gyffrous iawn, annwyl" as one might justifiably exclaim.

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"It is important to remember, that a diagnosis of dementia is not just a diagnosis for the individual, but it’s a diagnosis for the whole family.”



Twitter: @PeterBe1130

Instagram: @peterberry8


Peter is pleased to be a patron of For Brian CIC -  an evolving concept, co-produced by its directors in collaboration with its beneficiaries living with dementia. The company aims to empower people living with dementia and their families to design support that meets their individual needs, providing agency in challenging circumstances. Cycling plays a huge part in their existence. 


Peter and Deb are delighted to be part of AlzAuthors through the writing of our book, "Slow Puncture". 


Our Vision : Lift the silence and stigma of Alzheimer’s and other dementias.
Our Mission : We are a community of authors sharing Alzheimer’s and dementia stories to light the way for others.


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