Ah, that was a pleasant surprise...The Book Guild tweeted this! As far as we can ascertain, sales of the book have being going well but a big thank you to local business, Truffles et al and proprietor, Sam (or Chocolate Sam as she will forever be known, despite her protestations!) for selling the book on our behalf. It's acts of kindness like this which reinforces how wonderful it is to live in a small community in rural/coastal Suffolk.
Special mention must also go to our "Neighbour of the Year", Marion, whose efforts have resulted in the sale of over 15 books! We were delighted to sign all the books for Marion's book club and to join their group via a Zoom meeting to discuss the book and to answer any questions on Alzheimer's. All this without any commission - great job Marion! You're hired!
If there are any other book clubs out there who would like a similar session to be arranged, please contact Deb at deb.bunt@btopenworld.com
