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It's been a long road but...

Deb Bunt

It feels as if it's been a long time coming but we can now say 'the book will be published next month!' As part of the process prior to publication, Peter and I had a zoom meeting with the publishers to establish how the media campaign would go. Apart from the buzz of excitement we got when we used the phrase 'media' and 'campaign' in the same sentence and relating to us, this was also a great opportunity to discuss the potential media opportunities and to know to whom the publishers were sending review copies of the book.

Philippa, our marketing contact at the Book Guild, compiled a comprehensive list of local and national organisations who would be receiving the press release as well as the 18 recipients of the book for review, including The Guardian and The Sunday Times and, of course, our ubiquitous friends at BBC Radio Suffolk (specifically the lovely Lesley Dolphin).

Now it's just a question of waiting to see what happens and, as you might know, patience is not a quality with which I am blessed despite the fact it is a virtue and a light opera by Gilbert and Sullivan but, there I go again, digressing off the long road.

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