Peter and I delivered a talk to a very enthusiastic and engaged audience at Mills Meadow Care Home this morning. The talk was part of Mills Meadow’s dementia café sessions (held on the last Wednesday of each month).
The home is built on the site of Peter’s old school in Framlingham and this evoked a whole range of memories and emotions and the photo is taken by the old bell which is now in the grounds of the home.
Thanks to Zoe for organising this morning and for the seemingly endless supply of cakes and coffee.
There were some excellent questions and observations after the talk and this is one of the reasons Peter continues to deliver these talks. Not only does it give him a great sense of purpose, it really is tangible proof that others benefit from his words and insights. And, as well as selling our books as hard copies whilst we were there, we also had our first sale of the book in its audible format.
Do keep your eyes open for further sessions at Mills Meadow - it's a great initiative and needs to be supported.
Great to see you're still working away del delivering your talks Peter along with Deb. I met you last year at the National Dementia Conference in Manchester. You signed your book that I bought that day following your presentation. I'm rereading it now as I've chosen it to base my next MSc dementia assignment upon. Wishing you all well. ☺️